So here's what i found
Main concept: Magazine
So with both products they are two very different genres being one being trap rap with a bit of a vintage rap style and the other being alternative indie so they are both very much opposites
1. the first cover would take inspiration from the album cover from MF Doom and Czarface Super what ? which have massive influence to marvel and is a well known album from his. However, i wouldn't want to do the comic like drawing and instead take real photos which is where my second inspiration for the cover is the famous and well-known rap group around NWA.

The Mf doom cover would focus on the marvel intertextual references to marvel as well as MF Doom very popular artist to many people and pay tribute to him in the magazine can show some intertextual references .
The NWA cover is what i would focus that actual cover to look like as this was what typical trap rap groups and their covers would look like. It would be me multiple times to take yet again inspiration from recent marvel films with big action groups such as infinity war and endgame and having coverlines which relate to marvel films.
2. the next Cover would explore more of a creativity of the cover where it mixes elements of the early 2000's with he start of the interent and with some alternative/ indie genre and one way to include elements of nostalgia is involving Fruiter Areo with the cover explore the ideas of the music artist and the freeing feeling people get from areo and taking inspiration form Beabadoobee's album cover adding my own drawings in the cover.
So for next cover i'm going for a vintage style with the frutiger Aero aesthetic and some hand drawn art that refernces other indie/alternative artists. This is the main intertextual references as the frutiger aero aesthetic which when technology started ramping up in the early 2000's and changed forever this style of art was used frequently with advertising their products. This along side with the and drawn stuff would imply a unique vibe the artist and express the joy of the 2000's and nostalgia developing a style outside what currently is going in.
With silverback publishing their main focus is publishing real art that the audience can rely on and enjoy. My covers showcase art that mostly isn't seen anymore as music is ever changing and evolving genres and music die out and new ones come in and these covers focus on genres that focus aren't normally mentioned anymore but are loved by most.
Im leaning towards more of cozy vibe similar to coupe de main's website where its simplistic to the audiences where text boxes and news is easily available to see. It would attract the audience due to its colourful and easy design for it and colour and bringing nice vibes for the reader and not as aggressive.
Links to socials will be near the menu button and previews of post and websites will be around near the right side of webiste.
Fresh Conclusion
For this first cover i plan on the idea of the wallows cover but rather than multiple other artist it will be multiple of me sitting around or posing in the background. with one of them having them read a marvel comic book that perhaps have a similar pose on the front cover of the magazine. The cover would be vibrant and seem quite peaceful with cover lines going from the left to right in the traditional marvel colour scheme. Its rather unique and interesting for the audience to look at as its different to the most high production magazine and it feels authentic and personal due to the simplicity of it. Around me would have some intertextual references with little things around me that the model is passionate about and things that inspire in him and his music. Using nature can also add to the idea
the box texts would overlap each other making it look slightly creative and unique as mentioned, most magazines look simplistic and super organised but id rather go for the creative and unique look to it enticing the audience as it shows the care and passion the website has for the reader.
This cover involves more hand drawn details and can see the whole idea of childish and playfulness of the magazine. Being rather personal as the images will revolve around the the model and their ideologies and their creative side of things. I will be subverting the typical indie conventions of being quirky and different and i will be making it seem confusing all other the place Subverting the genre and being almost its own thing expressing the idea of being unique it goes away from the stereotypical conventions of indie magazines but goes into more pop rock and makes the artist look crazy with many references to Playstation 2 references in the cover as well as cartoon network. The main thing that this cover will represent is a subversion to typical indie/alternative artist and what they represent and shows individualism in the genre as not everyone has to follow the same path with music and can be different and do whatever. Intextual references to nostalgia cartoon network and main other things hinted at the artist interest and passions tht interflow with her music.
Website ideas
iT would follow the the layout and similar design of Coup De main website where it feels rather cozy and comforting yet still information. With it looking rather creative and more hands on then just very blocky and all over the place. It would feature videos of artist (Me) at festivals recording them and explaining my experience as a performer and makes the reader feel more hands on and involving to the reader. The main colour palette would involve pastel colours adding to the calming effects the website is trying to showcase.
Target audience
Can be mixed in gender wether they male or female they fit into the demographic of indie and what im going for.
Lives in the Uk primarily starting off as small population mainly because Uk music genre is mainly focus on rap and drill all can be diversified indie in the UK is still small but ever so increasing in popularity.
Earn minimal maybe slightly below but can love and enjoy life..
Middle to working class in the Uk
loves natrue and animals have their own pets primarily cats but have the random turtle or perhaps bird but are very passionate about animals.
Love the hot sunny days of summer, love cold drinks but remain slightly healthy.
Chronically online love social media and live on their spreading their personal opinions on there and love the attention and communicating with friends
Most likely labour supports if we need to get political have their own opinions but maybe not too involved but have some knowledge on whats going on and not big fans of the consevatives but find the current leaders funny and embrassing.
Have plenty of creative hobbies not overall super sporty and revolve their life around sports but have unique hobbies or things they like to collect.
Views shopping as a secondary job its always on their mind experimenting and changing their style and always keeping up with trends.
Love coffee wether its iced or warm
Sunsets and picnics.
Have friends and family and can socialise but doesn't do it very often compared others.
reading wether that is poetry fantasy action reading is a hobby of theirs.
Young and Rubicam
From Young and Rubicam this is how i would describe my target audience. The idea of mainstream and being revolved around the trends and all things social media made sense to me and almost living in a group mentality with their friends as their decisions are impacted on them as well.
The Aspirer would showcase a slight weak side to the target audience being the idea of having to impresses others for their own self worth pride.
With this perspective for my audience one important thing is that my audience are that passionate that they went out of their way to actually buy a magazine. As we mentioned my target audience are somewhat financially stable and enjoy the idea of shopping and the dopamine they receive from it. With them living in the Uk the summer brings joy to them and alongside this is their love and passion for music especially when it comes from talented people in the Uk. As they main listen to some mainstream music however, appreciate non-mainstream and glorified music as it adds a layer of individuality to themselves and gives them the one up on others. With them being online any information they can get on their favourite artist and like decoration and reading. Visting our website as in covers unique topics that people dont get to know as often and brings a joy to people possitivly affirming them that what they. listebn to is good and themselves as a human are great.
1. The name of my magazine will be called Abstract and the sub genre of the magazine will Indie alternative
2. Abstract Magazine wants to provide real and heartfelt information to the audience about music and its varying artist. Music is a beautiful form of art and we want to bring that to the reader with the upmost quality. Giving an insight on music that many haven't seen or have forgotten and of course putting the audience on to REALLY good music. - Tis is Abstract magazines values and what they stand for.
This will be represented by not only just interesting magazine covers w provide but actual content and information about said artist that the reader would never know. With most magazines being more industrial now and not very common nor unique we want to bring this back with creative covers where the audience has to look into it and find so much with so little that the magazine shows. With intertextual references and coverlines showing what the magazine is representing and the artist view on art. With Abstract magazine the combination of the cover goes over multiple times via the artist and us with the magazine cover featuring everything they want to show and represent for the audience to see. The magazine is like a key to open the door into the artist view on everything.
In the magazine it will included a beautiful cover and an easily readable contents page with a little thank you from Abstract magazines themselves on buying a copy of the magazine and welcoming the reader to the abstract family as well as a little note from the magazine cover artist as well with whatever they want to say adding more interactions with the reader. In the magazine will cover many artist and interesting topics that cover art forms such as movies painting etc. it will give a deep incite on topic and giving information exclusive to the reader.
This would appeal to the target audiences as the audiences themselves are very interested in the certain things they like revolving around opinions information and things they are passionate about. they will appreciate the magazine feeling slightly more personal then other media magazines and outlets and receive information that interests them and would be a good read making the transaction feel more fulfilling then others and make them comeback for more .
Kinda vibe im going for for my cover with a mixture of the wallows coup de main cover with multiple pictures of me random bits n bobs around me with intertextual references and coverlines around the artist in a comic book way.
This is true indie where the artist aren't signed to anything and build themselves up. These artist work hard for what they do and have a unique taste and purposely differ from what the mainstream industry like to push forward.
Id take aspects from these covers and go out and add a nature esc feeling to it. With multiple clones of me laying down with the other elements from the other magazine covers i found.
With a little bit of inspo from the flower boy album cover by tyler the creator.
This is an inspiration of my other cover going over main concept of breaking the idea stereotype of the indie genre and doing its own thing and being unique and different to the mainstream media's view on indie
1. Upcoming music
2.History of of muscians
3. album reviews
4. festival news
5. concerts
6. intresting facts about artist
7. fashion tips from artists
8. Music stiories
10.concert outfit idea
11. how to smell like your favourite artist wear
12.where are they now ?
13.Tiktok stuff
14 upcoming artist
15 underround artist
16.quiz the difference
18. Angel
20. Luna
21. ascension
22. books
The section heading would about the stage so VIP would have the most important juicy news front row/standing continues with news more general news stalls would be just random bits n bobs perhaps news from both vip or front row ut less important but less important and then backstage funny goofy news
Website planning
my overview plan of the website Abstract Magazine website wants to provide real and heartfelt information to the audience about music and its varying artist in a format that is easily accessible and easy to understand. Music is a beautiful form of art and we want to bring that to the reader with the upmost quality. Giving an insight on music that many haven't seen or have forgotten and of course putting the audience on to REALLY good music. - Tis is Abstract magazines values and what they stand for.
1. Angel and his rise to stardom
2. Angel new album: 7 Gates
3. Cherrybomb forming a new band
4. CherryBomb feature on the new hit song with Beabadoobee and Doja cat
5. Luna first performance at Birmingham
6.What is your artist favourite artist fragrance
7. mystic comes out of hiatus and plans releasing new music
8. Ways to h=get into the indie genre
9. Every Angel album ranked
10. D4VD song on invincibles 'feel it' is so catchy
The section heading would about the stage so VIP would have the most important juicy news front row/standing continues with news more general news stalls would be just random bits n bobs perhaps news from both vip or front row is less important but less important and then backstage funny goofy news. It would be the same as the Magazine section headings but more revolved around the magazine format as the similarity between the two would be like bread and butter as the differences between the two is minimal meaning the audience would easily be able to go around to magazines(Zines) and the website being very similar.
I would have filming footage of me in boardies being in the crowd enjoying all the music maybe even saying im about to go on stage and perform. It would express cornwalls culture and that the music they spread is amazing and vast as it has become one of the most popular festivals in the Uk and as an alternative Indie Artist and how music is not dead. Would also include an offfice viedo of the aftermath at boardies and my experience of being an artist at boardmasters.
This is my webiste on wi as in the template im gonna go for an change some aspects of it to fit with my genre and plans that i have stated above. the webiste is creative and unique and with a few touch up will increase te elememmt of cozniess that it already has and with the animations adds to entertainment the reader will experience making the reading experience even more enjoyable.
Some really interesting ideas Dom but you do understand that you need to do two covers from the SAME magazine? So ONE genre and I would expect a similar style to both covers.
ReplyDeleteCome and have a chat with me about it.
I like the Marvel intertextual link, but be careful with this if you're not going to draw anything.